Print advertisement for Polaroid.
photograph by Bert Stern, art direction
by Helmut Krone
by Helmut Krone
A strange gulf exists today between the worlds of design and
advertising. That makes it easy to forget that one of the greatest
designers that ever lived was an advertising art director:
Doyle Dane Bernbach's Helmut Krone.
Long before branding became a buzzword, Krone intuitively
understood how graphic design could define an institution's
personality. "The page, "he once said, "ought to be a package
for the product. It should look like the product, smell like the
product... Every company, every product, needs its own package.
" Without ever designing a logo — often without even using a
logo — he created corporate images that endure to this day.
How many companies can be said to "own" a typeface the way
that Volkswagen does Futura Bold ?

They have Helmut Krone to thank for that.
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