"Typografische Monatsblätter" is a Swiss business magazine, dealing with questions of
printing and typography. Its frequency was
monthly formerly (hence the name!) and it is
still in print up to date – now on a bimonthly
"Typografische Monatsblätter" were founded
1933. Since 1952 they are published together
with "Schweizer Grafische Mitteilungen" and
"Revue Suisse de l’Imprimerie". TM discusses
questions of the developping printing technology,
also – and for designers all over the world even
more interesting: Swiss designers and especially
Swiss type designers were regularly writing in
the magazine.
The famous type-criticisms of Max Caflisch
Frutiger were repeatedly writing for TM. Best known Swiss designers were contributing for
Helmut Schmidt, Hans Rudolf Lutz, Emil
Ruder – just to name a few.