this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.

Monday, November 02, 2009

things most remarkable No. 12 ( for an extra mark )

who uses this font in a lot of their work ? and has for years


dasistfalschtig said...

Any hints? For at least half a mark?

Wesley said...

Greg says "it's not Mrs. Eaves" - I think he deserves a point for that...

Greg Ayoup said...

I know the font is called Din Schriften

Wesley said...

Only because you know how to use sites like

Greg Ayoup said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg Ayoup said...

He didn't say we weren't allowed to :)

Radio Free Pescado said...

What a peculiar request (ist einfach ernie), surely you understand the point of the exercise is to encourage you to research, so as to improve your visual acuity.

The hint Ernesto, is the font.

I enjoyed your blog, especially your descriptions of me. This we will discuss very soon.

All of you, in your rush to be funny (of which none of you actually were) missed the question.

It was not what was the font ?, but rather who uses it.....

It's obvious what the font is, ... the challenge lay in the aspect you all chose to avoid. You all lose marks, especially Wesley.

zarine said...

all i managed to dig up is that albert-jan pool designed FF DIN, a spinoff of DIN 1451, and that germany have used DIN 1451 for their road and railway signs since 1990 when east and west germany reunited. before 1990 east germany used gill sans for their signs.

Wesley said...

The way you've worded the question makes me doubt my response (and the fact that it seems too obvious), but, the German institute for standardization?

Wesley said...

only one minute apart... ouch.
well, the only other bit of knowledge I have to offer is that the opening titles for Dexter are set in DIN.

Radio Free Pescado said...

Kudos to Zarinnne the terrine for effort and Lesley for cheeky.

However.... why aren't any of you Übermensch answering the question ? Not what you monkeys, but who ?

btw Leslies " Greg says "it's not Mrs. Eaves" - I think he deserves a point for that..." now thats funny.

Radio Free Pescado said...

Zarine how did your IP show go ? I heard good things about it. Congratulations !

zarine said...

hmm. in that case i'm going to go with david carson.

zarine said...

my IP went well, thank you. you should drop by and check it out sometime this week. on friday i'll be taking down my exhibit.

Greg Ayoup said...

Who deserves a point for that comment, Wesley or me Because I said it

Radio Free Pescado said...

Wesley does of course, because no one ever gets an extra anything, for stating the obvious Gregory.

But fear not, you will have ample opportunity to get extra marks, in the upcoming months.

You might try, merely as an example, answering this query.