this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

things most remarkable No's.10 & 11
for extra marks - what are they ? ... exactly .
one of them you will find rather ..... unsettling ...


Zarine said...

i know what the number one object is because you know how often i use this on a regular basis........
but considering i'm no longer one of your current design students, i'll keep my mouth (or my head?)... shut and let them figure it out.

Gabrielle Turcotte said...

I'm pretty sure that no. 2 is a hikaru dorodango, which is the art of making shiny balls of mud, (however I must note that they are usually shinier, are thus I am dubious about his being the real answer). I am completely perplexed by the first image.

Wesley said...

My guess for number two is a ball of dung collected by a dung beetle.

Number one on the other hand, I'm not so sure of. I'll keep thinking about it.

Radio Free Pescado said...

well done,no.2 is actually whandinko maru hopitopkkai penis, a rare Indo-Japanese delicacy, made from the spleen and kidneys of a smart ass failing student.

btw. some guesses are rather close

Greg P. said...

I just can't get the idea of an old cannonball out of my head. ;)

Or is it a projectile from a Roman catapult/stone-thrower?

I might as well try, seeing as dung and mud aren't the answers.

Wesley said...

These might be fun for a future post: (click on the images to see the answer).