this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mona Lisa Descending the staircase (you'll get a cool prize if you understand the reference)


Sparky101 said...
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Sparky101 said...

Nude descending a staircase was suppose to show a painting in motion, which this is (clay painting). Also the painting was of a circular descent, which the film cycles back to the starting image of mona lisa. The replicated images are of notable artist that showcased or expanded the concept of art.

Also Nude descending a staircase depicted motion by successive superimposed images and was influenced by Étienne-Jules Marey's stop motion photography; the film was created frame by frame as though using the same technique.

Or you could just mean that the first image is of Mona lisa, and the second is of Nude descending a staircase...

Radio Free Pescado said...

dear sporky

wrongo el stupido, but the Marey bit is a V good try. Who was influenced by Marey and what does the title refer to ? The prize is floating, vibrating 2 inches from the floor, a stream of pink light coats the walls like cotton candy........

sean said...

marcel duchamp was definitely inspired by Marey, most specifically in nude descending a staircase. but that was already said. though I suppose Joan Gratz was also influenced by the means of doing this piece - a 21st century take on a 19th century medium utilizing examples of 20th century art.

Though, there is also a photographer named Eadweard Muybridge who utilized the same process as Marey, but infact did a piece himself of a nude woman walkin down a staircase. So perhaps thats is the reference Duchamp makes, and more importantly the overall reference of this piece of animation?

I'm probably too tired to really be thinking this through properly. I figured sparky got it. but guess not. though the center piece of the animation is of a defaced mona lisa, another piece of duchamps, potentially tying the entire piece together?

i will go sleep now. goodluck to everyone else.

Radio Free Pescado said...

Mea culpa, mea culpa.

I have, in my odious penchant to be accurato, miss-read Spinky's comment.

I was indeed, seeking the name Marcel DuChamp, which while not mentioned per se - was alluded to, as Sean nobly pointed out.

I regret the oversight Spurkoid, and will award the prize to you when I figure out who you are. Btw one of the wheels is a little bunged up, but it doesn't effect the units gyro stabiliser or its re-entry capabilities.

Motion, both natural and aesthetic, has long been alluring. So much so, that in the 1920's the Futurists briefly thought it, the only really suitable subject for modern art.

Motion was a familiar fixation of the period, bound intimately to change, and often seen as as the best expression of the "modern". (the streamlined decade)

A world on fire, racing inexorably towards industrialization, machine war and a rapidly shrinking planet.

Radio Free Pescado said...

who SVP is Sparkey ?

Radio Free Pescado said...

err .. I mean Sparky 101

Sparky101 said...

I thought you were kidding about a reward as you were joking about a flying saucer...

It's David H

Radio Free Pescado said...

Hi Davido,

I thought your were - insert ominous sound effects here .. Grey Cloak.

Good to see your still amongst the living.