this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Recently there has been some agitation regarding
a satirical drawing depicting Barack & Michelle Obama from the
cover of a recent NewYorker magazine.

Some have argued that the drawing is of questionable merit; and have
insisted, that it is at the best, in bad taste, and at the worst, racist.

While others retort, that the illustration isn't really either in fact. These learned (wink) people reason, that the drawing challenges the actual racist stereotypes themselves, and makes fun not of the candidate at all - but rather, pokes fun, and points fingers at his critics, and their absurd, and rather antique calumnies.

I must admit in the spirit of clarity, that I agree with the latter,
and think that the cover is rather brilliant, despite its um... impact.

Since its publication a couple of weeks ago, the wits at Vanity
Fair magazine have responded to the conflict in their own notable way, by coming up with a cover of their own. A somewhat familial, and sympathetic riposte, as it were.

This cover depicts in its case, candidate McCain and wife, in an equally
absurd context, and is a play on the Obama cover imagery, American social history, political correctness, and on the nature and importance of satire.

Do compare and enjoy the ( short ) articles which are linked to
each magazine's particular name, and consider for yourselves, the effect
and nature of this tempest in a teapot.

Lastly, there is a "political" etching from the late 1800's, by James Gillray, (which admittedly - is perhaps a trifle, historically remote). Gillray was, much in the manner of the great Jonathon Swift, a true English satirical genius.

Gillray was a prolific artist and a merciless social critic. His work and
attitude continued a long and notably vigorous British tradition of political dissent, through satire - which mercilessly lampoons the rich, enraged the Royals and caustically challenged societies excesses and moral failings in general, and perhaps most importantly, all en flagrante, in public.

"Fashionable Contrasts; – or – the Duchess's little shoe yielding to the magnitude
of the Duke's foot, originally published by Hannah Humphrey on January 24, 1792.
The print shows the feet and ankles of the Duke and Duchess of York (Frederick,
Duke of York and Albany 1763-1827, son of George III, and Frederica Charlotte
Ulrica 1767-1820, his wife), in an obviously copulatory position, with the Duke's
feet enlarged and the Duchess's feet drawn very small"

and I think we are far, far, better off, for them having done it.
From the department of Totally Funny - but also rather pointedly poignant
and acridly accurate - a Gentleman's point of view on things graphical, a
slightly unguentistic rant kind of thingy - warning .... British Celebrity
chef style language -
warning.... Click below to go to the site you narfy buggers. here's the link

read this short article if you are interested in type design, this headline is linked.

And speaking of headlines, here's one, I never thought to actually see. 

Isn't it funny, how, small, wonderfully ridiculous things such as this, 
make the larger, more mundane aspects of life ( ie. washing up, most 
relatives, and certainly all wars ) marginally more endurable. 

Don't you think ?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Q. " What is the best moment of the day ? A. When the new idea emerges from deep of the back of my brain to the front of my brain. It happens any time. Milton Glazer
if it has cookies in it, it must be good.  Here's an inventive ad for Oreo's, follow the moving cookie

Agency: Draft FCB, New York
Chief Creative Officer: Chris Becker
Executive Creative Director: Sandy Greenberg, Terri Meyer
Art Director: Jeseok Yi
Copywriter: Claudio Lima
Photographer: William Tran

you need to click on the image to actually see it
in case you were wondering....

source unknown ?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the work of  Thomas Schostok , rather worth a visit.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

a charming homage to Milton Glazer's famous 
1966 Dylan poster.  The contemporary illustration, 
entitled "Dylan's Brain" is by Andrew Nimmo and 
Beth Bartholomew and was featured in the May 08 
issue of  Vanity Fair  do cheek it out

click or diet

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Here is some very interesting, contemporary work which certainly shades ( has been influenced by ) the work of
Raoul Hausmann, (see above) but it's conceived and created, decades layer, and seemingly, worlds apart.

The gr
aphic work of James Dawe, a young British designer, (see below) who certainly has a witty, deft touch.

The works appear politically antithetical, but
visually they are quite sympathetic at least in origin.
And, therein, lays the lesson, my leetle monkeys.

check the brilliant Mr.Dawe out. and check out the great Raoul too. just for a little more perspective. btw. the Hausmann images are entitled 1."the Art Critic" and 2."Self Portrait".

and as ever, click le image to enlargo.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Did you know V 2.0

"We are living in exponential times ... It is estimated that a weeks worth of the New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century ".

clickez si vous plait - thanks to Miss Z.