this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.
this is a private blog for my design students and assorted other survivors. Tro blemakers all.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Please try to remember everyone ! 
there always should be enough cake !
(personally, that just about sums it up for me, at least metaphysically) I do have other opinions, on other less corporeal topics, but eugenistically at least, the cake bit covers just about everything of actual importance. It can be, as other great philosophic insights have been, applied universally, to seemingly, all human concerns, conundrums and constructs.
Let there be cake !  I mean really, .... what else is there to say ?


Ramzi Houdeib said...

Please tell me you didnt actually get a chance to eat these and its just some picture someone sent you or you stumbled upon?
Because if you did in fact get to eat them, I just wanna remind you that Im your Best-est friend in the whole world and you should give me!

on another, more serious/fanatic note, if anybody says that cooking isn't an art, i'm going to lash out haha

Gabrielle Turcotte said...

Uh oh... we may have found a limit on the cake theory:

Enjoy :)

Radio Free Pescado said...

never, cake theory is infinite, and beyond !